12 Divisions

KAS Astrology Lessons

Krushnaji had written a series of lessons on KAS during 2000-2002 and he made them available to KAS Yahoo Group members. Mrs. Donna Quinn was kind enough to proof read the lessons and fix typos and grammar to make the lessons easily comprehensible. I am reproducing the KAS lessons here to support new KAS students. The only change I have made is to provide screen shots of charts from online KAS software which uses an improved KAS ayanamsa value than the one that students were using during 2000-2002. 

Credits: All credits go to Krushnaji and Donnaji for providing this wealth of information.

Lesson 1: What is the Ashtakavarga System?

This system is devised as a numerical scheme of interpretation that lets us easily see a snapshot assessment of the strength of a house through a unique point system. The Ashtakavarga system is a method of calculating the powers of the planets relative to each other. Therefore, it can be used in any chart i.e. all the divisional charts, along with Chaleta Bhava charts (diurnal charts) and even with Horary Astrology. This system also gives the power of each planet for all twelve houses. For each and every house, all seven planets contribute their power or strength in terms of numerical value. This makes it easy to compare the powers of the planets for each house. There is no other system which can give such a clear cut view of the comparative strengths of all the planets.

By employing the Ashtakavarga system along with other principals, the following things can be determined with great accuracy:

  1. Predicting the general strengths of the planets and the houses
  2. Anticipating certain important events in a person’s life
  3. Forecasting dasha results
  4. Overall life readings
  5. Profession of the person
  6. Timing events for important results
  7. Day to day power of the horoscope and results
  8. Marking the evolution of the achievements in the life
  9. Prasna Charts
  10. Political and Social forecasting
  11. Transit results
The powers of the planets depends on its relative position versus other planets. This can be judged at a glance of the Ashtakavarga chart. Making a judgment of the planet only by its sign or placement in a particular house without considering the planet’s power with respect to other planets doesn’t give an accurate assessment of the overall picture. In the Ashtakavarga system, the Ashtakavarga charts are cast using the natal chart and the benefic points. The individual Ashtakavarga chart is also known as the Bhinnashtakavarga. The combined effect given in one chart is known as the total Ashtakavarga chart or the Sarvashtakavarga chart. The individual chart and the sarvashtakavarga charts are both required for calculation purposes. Some also include the Ashtakavarga of the Lagna, Rahu and Ketu, but as per my experience I don’t recommend this. The outer planets like Uranus, Neptune, Pluto are not taken into consideration either. Some people cast the malefic Ashtakavarga charts or the Rekha ashtakavarga chart, which is really nothing more than the repeated work. The total of benefic and malefic points in a house, for a planet is eight. If the benefic points are known, then automatically we know the malefic points. Eight minus the benefic points gives the malefic points. The total benefic and malefic points in a house in sarvashtakavarga always comes to 56. There are seven planets and each contributes eight points, so 7 X 8 = 56. Hence, if we know the benefic points, obviously malefic points are also known. (56 less the benefic points = the malefic points). For example, if a house contributes 28 benefic points, it means it still has 28 malefic points remaining. Therefore the result of that house will be normal. The house that gets less than 28 benefic points will give less of a result as indicated by that house. Similarly if any house contributes more than 28 points then the results denoted by that house will be enhanced. The grand total of all the benefic points distributed by the seven planets and the lagna always total 337. The contribution of each planet is given in the Ashtakavarga chart of that planet, as given below.


The SUN distributes 48 benefic points to each of the following houses from its natal position in the chart. Every other planet helps to distribute the Sun’s overall points to their own assigned houses below as it relates to their own natal positions.
The MOON distributes a total of 49 benefic points in the following pattern in a similar manner while each of the other planets helps to distribute them throughout their own assigned houses. Remember that the 1st column position always represents the natal position of each planet.
MARS distributes a total of only 39 benefic points in the following pattern:
MERCURY distributes a total of 54 benefic points in the houses:
JUPITER distributes the highest total of 56 benefic points like so:
VENUS distributes a total of 52 benefic points like so:
SATURN distributes only a total of 39 benefic points in the following houses:
The total individual contribution of benefic points by any planet in any horoscope will be the same as mentioned above. The sum total of all the benefic points for all the planets will always be 337 for any horoscope. These figures do not change. These are benefic points. There are seven planets plus the Lagna that contributes to these 8 different reference points, and there are twelve houses, hence the total points should be 12 X 8 = 96, for each planet. These 96 points may be benefic or malefic. The fact that Jupiter contributes a huge 56 benefic points out of 96 points, means that 96 – 56 = 40 malefic points. That is the reason why Jupiter is called the great benefic. Similarly, Mercury contributes 54 points, Venus contributes 52 points, and so forth.
Mars and Saturn however, give only 39 benefic points each, which means 96-39 = 57 malefic points. Since the malefic points outnumber the benefic points they are called malefic planets. From the above, it can be observed that each and every planet gives both malefic and benefic results. Because Jupiter, for example, gives the maximum amount of benefic points, it is called a benefic planet, while Saturn and Mars give more malefic points and are therefore called malefic planets.


The above shows a basic ashtakavarga table before all the points are filled in. The top row represents the houses in the chart. In order to avoid confusion as to whether the top row is the house or the numbered sign, I will add the names of the signs underneath the houses. In this table, the signs represent a chart with an ARIES lagna, but they will always rotate under the stationery house signs in the top row, so that the proper lagna sign for the chart will always go under the 1st house column. If for example, AQUARIUS was the ascendant for the chart, then the order of the planets starting under the 1st house house would be Aq, Pi, Ar, Ta, Ge, Ca, Le, Vi, Li, Sc, Sg, Ca. The side row lists the 7 planets. Each row will represent the individual planetsí point distribution throughout the houses in a numerical value from 0-8, zero being the weakest and 8 being the most powerful. At the bottom is a row for the totals of all the points accumulated for each column. The last column totals up the points in each row of planets. The accumulated totals for both rows and the columns will always be 337.
Let’s take an example and calculate the chart of a male, born on October 26, 1961 at 9:45am in Nagpur, INDIA, 21N09, 079E06. Use Krushna’s Ayanamsha. The charts will be shown in both Northern and Southern styles to accommodate individual preferences.

Here we can see that all the planets contribute various points to each house. Remember that minimum points can go as low as zero and the maximum can go as high as 8. No planet can have more than 8 points to a house.

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